Support Us - Blackburn Vineyard Church

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Support Us

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The reason Blackburn Vineyard is able to give in so many different ways to the community around us and beyond, is because of the financial gifts, offerings and tithes generously given by its members, friends and people like yourself, for the work of the Kingdom of God. Thank you!

If you would like to give to Blackburn Vineyard Church to :
*  support our ongoing work,
*  to help us raise funds for
     -  the Children’s Storehouse  or
     -  our S.A.D. ministry

you can do this by clicking on the 'Donate' link below and filling in your details.  You can make one off gifts or set up regular payments.
If you are a UK Taxpayer, don't forget to tick the Gift Aid option so we can make your gift even bigger at no cost to you.


|     Here's a NEW & EASY WAY to raise money for our Church and its
|     ministries, such as CHILDREN'S STOREHOUSE  or S.A.D.
|     & one that does not involve parting with extra cash.
|    It’s been christened “Give as you Live”. It means you can :
|    >   SEARCH the web  
|    >   SHOP on line from your favourite retailers
|    >   TRADE on eBay
|                                and raise money for us
|    all searches, shopping and eBay activity made from here will raise money
|   for us.
|      Connect here :  to start helping us in this easy / no-cost way   
|    Or click here to find out more on how you can help raise funds for                         
|                    Blackburn Vineyard Church's Ministries
|                 including the Children's Storehouse & S.A.D.

Blackburn Vineyard is a company limited by guarantee (No.5035533)
and a registered charity (No. 1150962).
‘VINEYARD’ is a European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland No. 004771143.
The ‘VINEYARD CHURCHES’ Logo, Vineyard ‘grapes’ device and ‘VINEYARD’ with ‘grapes’ device Logo’
are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. Used here under license. All rights reserved.
Connect with us :
07942 142 935
Unit 10, Red Rose Court,
Sunnyhurst Road,
Blackburn, BB2 1PS
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