What we value - Blackburn Vineyard Church

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What we value

About Us
We are a small growing group of people who come together to worship Jesus and to try to follow his example in every aspect of our lives.

We want not only to see our own lives changed, but to help people enjoy life in its fullness, make a difference to those around us and see transformation in the community, which we serve.
How do we do that ? Through :

• Heart-felt worship
• Relevant and practical teaching of the Bible
• Loving one another
• Serving the community in God’s love
• Compassionate ministries to the sick, the poor, the exploited
• Seeking to fulfil God’s will and purposes in our lives, and not our own
• Allowing the Holy Spirit of God to move in power

What's important to us (values)
>  We love to WORSHIP. In fact worship is central for us. As we spend time in God’s presence we sense a greater intimacy with Him and become more aware of how God accepts us as His children.
>  We love to ENJOY LIFE as much as we can. Jesus said “I have come that you may have life; life in its fullness” (John 10:10) So we try to follow what Jesus teaches – through the Bible and to identify what Jesus gives (in terms of his gifts) so that we can train, equip and release people into those gifts.
>  We love to see GOD AT WORK and so ask / allow the Holy Spirit to come and do whatever pleases the Father at the time – sometimes that’s healing (physical, relational, spiritual etc); sometimes that’s encouraging (with prophetic words, words of wisdom etc); sometimes it’s just knowing and enjoying God’s presence with us.
>  We love to GIVE & SERVE, to help others in our church, in our community and in the world. The best thing we can share is love, friendship, kindness, hospitality, compassion and mercy – demonstrating God’s special love for the best of His creation.
>  We love FUN, informality, diversity, creativity, integrity, humility, simplicity, unity – all are important to us.

These are the things we value as a church.

Blackburn Vineyard is a company limited by guarantee (No.5035533)
and a registered charity (No. 1150962).
‘VINEYARD’ is a European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland No. 004771143.
The ‘VINEYARD CHURCHES’ Logo, Vineyard ‘grapes’ device and ‘VINEYARD’ with ‘grapes’ device Logo’
are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. Used here under license. All rights reserved.
Connect with us :
07942 142 935
Unit 10, Red Rose Court,
Sunnyhurst Road,
Blackburn, BB2 1PS
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